Rat Exterminator

Specializing In Trapping and Prevention

Trained in advanced rat control techniques.

This is the type of exterminator to look for!

“The Clever Cat Eats Cheese and Breathes Down Rat Holes With Baited Breathe”
– Quote from W.C. Fields

Rat extermination service in Cleveland, OH. Rats found on the table.

Sewer Rat Removal

Norway rats are very adaptable animals, They can live anywhere there is food, and they eat anything edible. Rats become pests when they enter the home. There are two ways a rat can enter the home. One is through gaps in the structure itself. Second is through the sewer system. In most cases, they care for their young communally. On top of that, they can reproduce inside of a home without leaving. Rats are extremely intelligent and are considered sacred in India. Rats can chew through steel and can be very destructive to a property. Over time, this species has spread across the globe from Asia. They also spread a plethora of diseases indirectly and directly. Quickly remove them, along with their feces, from structures once they are found.

Getting Rid Of Rats

Do you have a rat inside? Unlike certain pests, this requires an exterminator. These rodents are smart, as you may know. Rat control is far different than setting traps for mice. Do-it-yourself rat removal frequently results in trap shy rats. By all means, call a rodent control specialist immediately. Rats gather food and nesting material, once they are inside. Don’t let this happen. Additionally, they are neophobic. Once familiar with their territory, these varmints avoid new objects. Sadly enough, this includes rat traps.

Rat Control Inside

Brown rats enter 2 different ways. First of all, check your floor drains. Broken sewer lines, and missing drain strainers are considerably the most concerning. Inspect these right off the bat. There is a reason that they call them sewer rats! Next, figure out if they came in from outside. In many cases, there is a rat colony underneath a porch or deck.

The point often overlooked is that there is a difference between killing rodents and controlling rodents. In order to control Norway rat populations, you need to remove them in conjunction with rodent-proofing. More on rodent-proofing later.

How To Catch a Rat

Trapping these varmints is no joke! However, you may luck out. Lets say a rat sneaks up through a floor drain. Shortly after you notice feces. It is hungry and frantic. Additionally it has not had the time to explore. You jump on it and properly set traps. Instantly, you catch it overnight. Afterwards you block the drain hole, and you are done. Rat control done easy.

Keep in mind, this is not always the case. For instance, when pet food is left out. These sneaky rodents snatch up dog food and store it. Before you know it, you have a rat with a food cache. Within a few days, they can have enough food to last a month. How do you contend with that? Obviously it will be hesitant to go near a snap trap with this sort of food reserve. In the event that this has happened, call an exterminator.

In conclusion, a hungry rat is frantic. Additionally, a newly introduced rat is not neophobic. After all, it is in unexplored territory. Everything is new to it. These rodents will go for a rat trap. Perhaps everyone should keep a snap trap in their basement, just in case! Advanced rodent control techniques are required in other instances.

Rat Control Outside

Honestly, certain areas of Cleveland have problems with sewer rats, while others do not. This depends a lot on the type and condition of the sewer system. It is always a good idea to contact the Cuyahoga County Board of Health. They provide a free service, where they bait the sewers.

On the contrary, look to see if you have burrows outside. Soft soil underneath decks and porches provide safe areas to nest. Comparatively rats nest seek shelter within dirt crawlspaces. Once a colony grows, parts of the family break off to extend their feeding range. This happens a lot. Not only do you have to trap the rat inside, you also have to eradicate the colony outside your foundation walls.

Rat Control Exclusion

Given that Norway rats survive in the shadows of mankind, you should do some rodent-proofing! In concerns to rat control this can be either simple or complex. Rats will squeeze through any gap larger than 0.5″ square. Therefore you will need to button up the basement and foundation.

  • For example, a broken sewer line underneath your basement slab. Major repairs are necessary as a result.
  • Perhaps your perimeter drains hook into the sewer line outside. Install and repair basement drain strainers. Don’t forgot to seal where downspouts go into the ground.
  • Is there a nest underneath your porch? You will need to get down there and seal gaps in the foundation block.

Sewer Rat Control Options

As with every suspected rodent, it all begins with an inspection. From there, a treatment plan is developed. At this point you will be provided with a plan of action. Cost for rat control includes initial service, trap placement, rat-proofing, exterior control, and subsequent followup visits.

Rat Trapping

Successful rodent removal through trapping requires expertise. You need to set a lot of traps with rats. 25 snap traps is a good starting point. Not many homeowners consider purchasing and setting this many traps! There are also times when you need to pre-bait traps. This involves baiting traps before setting them. You may need to do this for a week until they begin plucking off the bait. After they begin feeding you can start catching them.

Just like mice, Norway rats will run along walls at first. If you get to them soon enough, you can get a body kill. This involves setting an expanded trigger trap slightly outside of their sight path. As they pass by, their bodies trigger the traps. As a result, you get a body kill. This is one small example of the trapping techniques we deploy.

Rat Bait

However enticing those poison blocks on the store shelves seem, consider this. Did you know that a mature rat can grow to about 8-12 ounces? A mature house mouse on the other hand is just over 0.5 ounces. Poisoning a mouse inside is different than a rat. Can you imagine if a month-old kitten died in your wall? It would probably smell, right? Think twice about using poisons inside for rats. Sometimes they can save you. Keep rodenticide usage limited as a last resort indoors. Trap first, use rodenticides only if necessary.

With that being said, you will be hard pressed to trap established rats outside. Tracking powder, exterior bait stations, and burrow baits are highly effective rodent control outside. Depending on your situation, exterior control may be warranted.


Cross your fingers all you need is a drain strainer. This is a simple fix. Open laundry drain basin drains account for many rat infestations. We sell 4″ cast iron drain strainers that fit perfectly over most open laundry drain basins. However, in many cases a plumber is recommended to assess rat access from the sewer system.

In Lakewood especially, front porches have brick walls, yet are open to rats. Inaccessible areas like these may require creating special access to seal the foundation walls. Remember that rats nest under porches and decks about as much as in the sewers. Outdoor populations are common when there are bird feeders, and tree nuts around.

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Learn More About Sewer Rats In Cleveland, Ohio


Norway Rats: Identification In Ohio

Norway Rats in Ohio - Information and Facts Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Norway rats are also known as the brown rat, and sewer rat. This is the common rat found in Ohio. The other rat known for infesting homes is the roof rat (Rattus rattus). This rodent does not inhabit our region. It is a known pest in the South East States, and along the Pacific coast. Life Cycle  Once they are 2.5- 3 months of age, they begin breeding. The gestation period is 21-25 days. Litter sizes range from 6-14 pups, with an average size of 10 pups.. Females live about 5-6 months in the wild, but can live to be 1 year old. In most instances a female produces 3-6 litters in her lifetime. Breeding peaks during spring and fall. [...]

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