Seal Your Home From Rodents
Getting rid of the rodents in your home is only the first step in getting control of your rodent problem. To truly get rid of rodents for good, you need more than just rodent control; you need to rodent–proof.
When a rodent manages to get into your home, it leaves a trail of pheromones along the way. This trail acts like a map, letting all the other neighborhood rodents know the fastest way to get inside your house. That means that even if you get rid of every rodent inside, you’ll always have more coming in. The only way to truly get rid of your rodents is to block their trail by sealing off your home.
Rodent-Proofing Service
- Don’t miss a single spot. Even if you seal off 99% of the entry points in your home, you’d still find rodents. Our detailed inspection service has a 100% track record when it comes to sealing homes.
- Achieve long-term control. We start by removing the rodents inside your home. But more importantly, we assess your home’s entry points and exterior environment to make sure they never come back.
- Do it right – the first time. We use high-quality sealants to block entry points. That means we take care of the problem once, and then it’s done.
- Get back to living. Our rodent-proofing service is backed by a two-year warrantee. We guarantee that you’ll have zero rodent sightings for the next two years or more — so you can get back to feeling at home.
Even if you haven’t seen a rodent inside, rodent-proofing is always a good idea. Rodents are experts at hiding — just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there! Call us for an interior and exterior inspection so you can cover all your bases.
Mouse Eviction
Getting Rid Of Mice In Your Attic
House mice are crafty and versatile little critters. They’re known for finding ways inside your home that you’d never even dream of — they can climb exterior walls and scurry up wall voids. They make a tunnel system out of your vinyl siding, scaling your house to get in through the soffit. Mice also make themselves at home in your attic insulation.
Our rodent-proofing attacks the problem from all angles. We inspect every inch of your home, top to bottom, and seal off every entry point. This includes using Ridge Guard and Kritter Caps when necessary.
Homes in Westlake and Rocky River are particularly vulnerable to attic infestations. Additionally, not all of these attics are easily accessible. Our team is specially trained in rodent-proofing strategies in these difficult-to-access areas. We’ll often use rodenticide on top of rodent-proofing to make sure you’re fully protected.
Getting Rid Of Mice In Your Basement
First of all mice nest outside underneath our porches. Especially if there is old junk underneath them. Most porches have old construction debris stored there. Consequently an ideal mouse habitat is created. From there, they find gaps along the foundation to enter structures. In conclusion, you should seal along the foundation walls. Especially under porches and decks.
Does your home have an addition? If so, this could be your main source. For a newer part of the home, they surprisingly have a lot of gaps! Not only that, these gaps lead into quiet dark crawlspaces. Make it a priority to rodent-proof additions. Overtime they become contaminated with feces. After exclusion, sanitation measures may help reduce indoor allergens.
Next inspect areas around utilities. This includes water spigots, air conditioning, dryer vents, and the like. Since mice can enter attic ventilation, remember they enter foundation vents too.
Finally make sure gaps underneath siding are sealed. While you are at it inspect around basement windows and below door thresholds too. Most homeowners fail to inspect these areas.
Sound like a lot? That’s because it is. Lakewood Exterminating specializes in mouse-proofing. And for good reason!
How Small of a Hole Can Mice Squeeze Through?
Mice need a gap larger than 1/4″ diameter to squeeze through. Therefore anything larger than a #2 pencil must be sealed. Granted this could cause you to go overboard with exclusion. Make sure the hole actually leads somewhere habitable. Sometimes potential entry points under siding dead end before actually making it inside.
Rat Exclusions
Rat Inspection
Most rats infesting Cleveland, OH homes are called Norway rats. They’re also known as common rats, or sewer rats, because they love to live and travel in sewers and drainage systems in and around family homes. These rats are well-adapted to life below ground level. They nest in burrows — the soft, damp soil underneath porches and decks is ideal for rat shelter.
In order to successfully control your rat problem, you have to first figure out where they’re coming from. Are they nesting outside, and then finding a hole or gap to get in? Or are they getting inside directly through your sewer or drainage system? Regardless of their points of entry, getting rid of rats can be difficult. After all, you can’t very well shut off your entire drainage system! That’s why most homeowners choose to call in a professional.
Getting Rid Of Rats In Basements
Once rats find their way inside your home, trapping them is the most effective way to get rid of them. For the most part, if the rats are contained to crawlspaces and porches, soft bait can be very effective. Additionally, we’ve had success with Tracking powder, exterior rodent stations, and burrow baiting.
Sealing off your home from rats is very similar to sealing it off from mice. However, you’ll also need to assess your sewer system if you have a rat problem. A professional plumber is your best bet for this kind of work. However, there are a few simple fixes you can try yourself.
First, seal your downspout drains, as they enter the perimeter drainage system. Next, make sure all drain traps have water in them. Lakewood homes have a lot of random toilet stalls in basements that go ignored and unused. To keep rats from getting in, keep your toilets operable. Similarly, don’t neglect any showers or tubs in your home, and keep your basement floor drains in good shape, too.
Finally, the one thing that most rat-infested homes have in common is an open laundry drain. This is a favorite entry point for rats, but it’s easily fixed. Get yourself a drain strainer — problem solved!
How Small of a Hole Can Norway Rats Squeeze Through?
Norway rats need a bit more berth than mice — they can squeeze through gaps larger than ½” diameter. Unlike mice, Norway rats prefer not to climb to enter structures. Instead, they enter at or below ground level.
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Lakewood Exterminating, 13443 Detroit Ave., #8, Lakewood, OH 44107
Lakewood Exterminating, 13443 Detroit Ave., #8, Lakewood, OH 44107