How Long Can a Bed Bug Survive Without Feeding?

2024-02-11T19:06:35-05:00February 11th, 2024||

Bed bugs live for approximately one year. They can also survive a year without feeding. Some factors determine how long a bed bug can survive without feeding. Hot summer temperatures will shorten their lives [...]

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How Often Do Bed Bugs Feed?

2023-06-27T18:46:30-04:00June 27th, 2023||

They will often take a few bites in a row along a vein. It takes approximately 5-10 minutes for them to become fully engorged. After feeding they retreat back into hiding. A bed bug [...]

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Will Heat Or Cold Kill Bed Bugs?

2023-06-27T18:45:12-04:00June 27th, 2023||

Placing infested belongings outside in the cold temperatures of a Cleveland, OH winter are not always enough to kill bed bugs. In order to kill bed bugs by freezing, temperatures need to remain at [...]

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What Pesticides Kill Bed Bugs?

2023-06-27T18:41:17-04:00June 27th, 2023||

Bed bugs have tarsal claws which enable them to climb so well. These tarsal claws are much like a cat's claw. To their advantage these tarsal claws do not pick up pesticides very well. [...]

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Are Bed Bugs Only Found On Beds?

2023-06-27T18:01:02-04:00June 27th, 2023||

Most bed bugs find harborage within 5 feet of their host's resting spot. For us, this is our beds, couches, and chairs. From within 5 feet, it can detect the location of its next [...]

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Can Bed Bugs Live On Pets?

2023-06-27T17:48:11-04:00June 27th, 2023||

The narrow body of the flea maneuvers the fur-covered bodies of animals. Its hard shell doesn't crush easily. This is an example of a parasite that lives on its host. I have squeezed fleas [...]

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Do Bed Bugs Transmit Disease?

2023-06-27T17:30:24-04:00June 27th, 2023||

Many endo-parasites are vectors. Vectors have the potential to transmit disease organisms to their host. Examples of parasitic vectors are mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Bed bugs are not currently proven to transmit disease. The [...]

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How Many Kinds Of Bed Bugs Are There?

2023-06-27T17:30:57-04:00June 27th, 2023||

The Genus Cimex has several species. Most are bat bugs and bugs that infests birds' nests. There are two species of bed bugs, Cimex lectularius and Cimex hemipterus. The latter being the tropical bed [...]

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How Did Bed Bugs Return From Being Nearly Extinct?

2023-06-25T10:06:55-04:00June 25th, 2023||

DDT And Bed Bugs These parasites were prolific until we began using DDT on them. Our past pest control practices nearly wiped away the existence of bed bugs. DDT had a very long residual [...]

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