Pantry Moth Control Cleveland, Ohio2023-07-14T09:34:23-04:00

Pantry Moth Control

Pantry Moth Control Solutions

Are you witnessing small flying moths fluttering about your kitchen? If so, you’re likely dealing with a frustrating pantry moth infestation. Also identified as Indian meal moths, pantry moths often peak in Cleveland, OH during July and August.

Getting rid of pantry moths can quickly become overwhelming. That’s why numerous homeowners prefer to bring in professionals who specialize in pantry moth control. We offer effective solutions to purge your kitchen of these pantry pests, focusing not just on the present pantry moth infestations but also on preventing pantry moth infestations in the future.

Our strategy targets every stage of the pantry moth lifecycle, from the Indian meal moth adults to the pantry moth larvae, ensuring a comprehensive approach. With us on board, you’ll get rid of pantry moths for good, restore the sanctity of your kitchen, and secure peace of mind knowing your food is safe from infestation. Let us help you reclaim your space from these unwelcome invaders.

Pantry moth home services in Cleveland, OH.

Our Pest Inspection Process

At Lakewood Exterminating, we provide our clients with an intensive and thorough pest inspection process. Our goal is to ensure we identify the problem correctly from the beginning to guarantee an effective treatment plan. Below is our step-by-step guide to understand how we carry out our pest inspections.

Appointment Scheduling:

Once you have contacted us and described your pest issue, we will set up a convenient date and time for your inspection.

Preliminary Discussion:

When our technician arrives, they will first have a brief discussion with you. This conversation will cover your observations, concerns, and any particular areas where you’ve noticed signs of pest activity.

Thorough Inspection:

Following the discussion, the technician will carry out a detailed inspection of your property. This includes checking all accessible areas both inside and outside your property, from the pantry to the basement, attic, garden, and more. The aim is to identify the pest species, size of the infestation, and the areas they inhabit.


During the inspection, the technician will determine the type of pest and the level of infestation. In the case of pantry moths, for example, they will look for signs such as visible adult moths, larvae, or moth webbing on food containers.


After identifying the pest, we assess the extent of the infestation and possible damage. For pantry moths, this could involve ruined foodstuffs or contamination. This is crucial for devising an effective control strategy.


Post-inspection, our technician will provide you with a detailed report. It includes the type of pest, infestation level, affected areas, and potential risks. The report will also offer an outline of the recommended treatment approach and cost.

Scheduling Treatment:

Once we have agreed on the treatment plan, we will schedule the pest control service. We will aim to start the treatment as quickly as possible to limit any further damage or distress.

Our Signs of Indian Meal Moths Inside The Home

Adults Compared to many other moths in Ohio, pantry moths are relatively small — only 3/8″ long when fully developed. Like most other moth species, pantry moths’ wing tips are coppery-tan in color. However, the portion of the wing closest to the body of a pantry moth is white. This feature makes it easy to tell Indian meal moths apart from clothing moths. You may find pantry moths zig-zagging in flight around your home at night. Since they’re nocturnal, lights may attract them into different areas of the home.

Larvae The small, white larvae actually cause more damage than pantry moths in any other stage of development. The larvae contaminate your food. As they develop, they weave tunnels in their food (ahem, your food). These tunnels are made with silk and frass. Depending on the age, and the level of infestation, you may be able to spot these silk webs. While feeding, the larvae either stay inside the tunnel or close by. Over time, their bodies may become tinged with yellow, green, or pink pigmentation. When mature, at 1/2″- 5/8″ long, they are white caterpillars with black heads. Before pupating, these fully mature caterpillars leave a trail of silk along their path. If there is no place to pupate within the layers of food, larvae will climb up walls to find a spot. Interestingly enough, they can travel way outside of the infested area to weave their cocoons.

Pupae Just like their butterfly relatives, pantry moths undergo complete metamorphosis. This means the larvae weave a tiny yet noticeable cocoon inside cabinet and wall crevices. Sometimes you can find the silk webs on the top of pantry walls.

Tips And Tricks For Pantry Moths

Where To Look For A Pantry Moth Infestation

First, inspect your cornmeal and other stored grains. The following items have been known to host pantry moth infestations: cornmeal, flour, oatmeal, cereal, pancake/muffin mixes, nuts, rice, dog bones, dried pet food, crackers, pasta, dried fruit, protein powder and other drink mixes, bird seed, fish food, spices, seasoning packets, tea, soup mix, potpourri, dried floral arrangements, decorative corn stalks, deer antlers, bird and rodent nests, rodenticide bait, and feathers. As you can see, these pests eat a wide variety of vegetable matter, and going through every one of these items in your kitchen is no easy task. Fun fact: the only non-plant material these cannibals eat are themselves!


How Often Should Pest Control Be Done?2023-04-19T15:56:53-04:00

Base how often you get pest control done on an action threshold that you set for yourself. Let’s say you get a kitchen ant invasion every spring. Then that is when you get a pest control treatment done. Otherwise, you can set a different threshold. Some people do not mind spiders outside. Yet if they see two inside within a week, they are going to call an exterminator. This would be an example of a threshold you can set.

It is basically your breaking point. Everyone reaches their breaking point before calling for pest control service. Consider setting your threshold in a practical manner. It might be difficult to eliminate all centipedes from your basement. In that case, set a threshold at 3 sightings in one week to warrant another treatment. Monitoring devices help to find out how much pest activity there is. In some cases, one pest sighting is enough to warrant a treatment. While you might not pick up the phone for one ant in your home, one rat sighting and you’ll want us to come right away!

How Much Does Pest Control For A Cleveland Area Home Cost?2024-07-11T09:18:21-04:00

Pest control prices valid for single family homes within our main service area. Services are from Tremont- Avon Lake. Anywhere North of Brookpark Road- generally speaking.

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